Learn Fiddle with George on Patreon

Learn fiddle with George Jackson at Patreon.com_georgejackson.png

I just launched a lesson archive page this month where you can access video lessons I'm creating weekly or monthly from just $10. I'm using the Patreon platform in a similar way to websites you may know like "Artist Works", or "Peghead Nation", where you subscribe to video lessons. On my Patreon page it works the same, you can subscribe to a tier of your choice (weekly, monthly or personalized) and gain access to video lessons I create for a small monthly fee. I'll also be creating updates on music I'm writing and behind the scenes content from my new recording project for all to access for just $5 per month if you want to get the inside scoop a full year before everyone else.


More info:

I'll be producing video lessons for people who already play some violin or fiddle, but you don't have to be advanced. There will be information in these lessons for people new to fiddling, through to those who've been doing it a while. Plus when you subscribe you'll immediately have access to all the previous lessons available at that tier so there will be plenty of options to find something at your level.

Style: I'll be mostly teaching old-time fiddle tunes and techniques, but I'll also be producing some lessons on bluegrass tunes and techniques.

If you're after some specific help, let me know! I have options available for personalized lessons.

At any tier you'll have access to behind the scenes updates on tunes I'm writing and the making of my new record!

Rachel Baiman